Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Leadership Priorities

Hurried and inconsiderate is the approach that most of us take in pursuing our time on the earth. We seem to chase seemingly self fulfilling deeds that we believe will somehow bring about gratification. Unfortunately, the more that we search for this satisfaction without self contentment; the more we are going to feel empty and further away from joy.

The problem is that the world is echoing that your need for… money, beauty, the newest and greatest, as well as other stuff to mask the true emptiness that each of us is susceptible to feeling. Authentic success is not contingent upon the world’s standard of triumph, but on the leadership qualities that you are genuinely implementing in your daily life.

Worldly achievement is not synonymous with peace and joy. Neglecting your family for a paycheck, or sacrificing your precious time with your spouse and children will sabotage the most important segment of your life. Your family should take precedence over any other activity. When was the last time that you turned the television off and had a family game night? Remember that you cannot rewind your life, and give back time.

What are your priorities? When is the last time that you have reevaluated them? Now is the time to recognize and implement a new strategy to succeed in life; it’s not too late!

Leadership is not just about being a team leader in the employment world. It is a lifestyle that permeates every part of your life.